Useful Material and procedures for Virtual Assistants – VAs

A BIG thank you for choosing to work with me and welcome aboard! Pre-hire Please make sure you submit the following to our HR department. Copy of original Passport or official governmental ID Full address and valid contact phone number Emergency Contact (Full Name, Address, Phone number) Information Depending on your VA job, you may …

Useful Material and procedures for Virtual Assistants – VAs Read More »

How to avoid falling asleep during night for that unfinished task

This is an ironic post, as I feel extremely sleep at the time of writing this article, thus, will keep it very brief! Firstly, if you find yourself trying to pull an all-nighter often, then you are probably doing something wrong. The following are the main causes of being forced to sacrifice sleep and pulling …

How to avoid falling asleep during night for that unfinished task Read More »

How did I get into selling on eBay and my first successful eBay product

Since I can remember, I’ve always been interested in making money in new and different ways. When I was in college, fast broadband had just become available to the public at a reasonable price. In my computing class, which was my favourite class, there were a group of guys who went on about purchasing products …

How did I get into selling on eBay and my first successful eBay product Read More »

What steps do I need to take to start selling online? {Mini Post}

So you want to sell online? Here are a few tips which can help you out getting started. 1 – Select your marketplace Where do you want to list/publish and sell your items? Places to consider: To get a taste of the online retail business, I would strongly suggest that you experiment selling a few …

What steps do I need to take to start selling online? {Mini Post} Read More »

What you must know before looking for a web designer – A MUST READ for any non-savvy entrepreneur

Super-quick, simplified guide to understand some basics before you walk in a meeting with your web developer What to know before finding a web designer. It seems one the biggest milestones for starting a business these days is having a website! (Don’t get bogged down on a website! I’ve written another article on what type …

What you must know before looking for a web designer – A MUST READ for any non-savvy entrepreneur Read More »